Tuesday, May 18, 2010

be the person you'd like to be?

I found this on a Mail and Guardian article. Make's one think. Considering that we are all dying, should it only be the terminally ill who live as if they are? Here are the 4 questions to ask yourself about your life and relationships.

  • If I were to die tomorrow, am I satisfied with my life as I'm living it? What, if anything, would I change?
  • If I were to be given two years to live, how would I spend the time? Is there anything that I would really love to do that I should consider bringing forward -- is that valid even if I'm not terminally ill?
  • If I were to die only several decades from now, is my current way of living and working leading my life satisfactorily towards the obituary that I’d like to be read out at my funeral?
  • And, finally, this group of questions is a constant: am I happy enough with how things are in the different relationships that are important to me in my life? Is there any relationship that is "unresolved", that if that party were to die, I would regret not having made peace?

  • be-the-person-youd-like-to be.
    Helena Dolny

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