Saturday, September 26, 2009

concerning the demise if imagination

Concernining the demise of imagination; what is it with poeple these days, If I must hear one more comment on, The time travelar wife, which incluedes the words, toughtouly unbilievable, I may just have yo delare, not unlike niche, imagination is dead. We have lost it somewhere in our internet genrarated univers, its gone on long enough, we must give the universal imagination a shock, with a difribulator.
It is not that we are not creative, but rather one can no longer believe in fairy tales, we are incapable of suspending disbilief, even for the hour or two it takes to tell a story. Even the finer joys of the story where lost on my book club. Must of which got lost in the impossible concept and never fully apreciated, the joy of the story just for the stories sake. Do we no longer, tell tales? or can we in our media drowned world find a point, to dream or imagine an alternative world just for fun?
And Why? at what point in our, individual naratives did we throw out, day dreaming and imaginative persuist as unimportant? One feels, where one lacks imagination, one lack's the simple joy of imagining alternative realities for ourselves and others. I can remembers a child hood filled with, talking rats and tales of secrete gardens , and magical kingdoms and puff and magic dragon , and georges marvelouse medicen, not to mention, revolting rhymes to name but a few favouriets, growing up with a black and white tv, might have hads its percs, the world devised by ones imagination is far more colourfull. I can all to well remember that place at the bottom of the farm where we were pirates, defending our ship, or mariens protecting our forts and so on and on. i vividly remeber being about 6 walking through the forest behind a fiends house with my brother singing "every where we go, people whant to know......" Am i an adult out of touch with reality? No on the contrary, i am able to feel deaply and imagine the plight of people everywhere, precicly because, my mum bother to cultivate out imaginations as widly as possible. Will we as a nation become less human as a result of being unimaginative? one wonders?

Friday, September 18, 2009

white linen live's

In my line of work ( design ) one often come's accross a client wanting just that something diffrent; Which may be why my house is decorated so incredibly dully. Its not that I am terrible at design or that I lack creativity, its more that I sometimes at our need for new and shiny. What is wrong with us that 'a huise bye die sea', two kids and a bicycle just doesn't cut it any more. Way do we constantly need more, more, more, while all the time longing for the shalom we achieved at age six, somewhere while carting a teddy bare and a pick nick basket to some warm corner of the garden. In our lust to achieve that, things we all long for, fame , fortune , a job and a morgage. Have we lost sight of white linen living? Must everyone be exeptional, or are some of us just plain old ordinary? more to the point is there anything wrong with that? Being avarage, can have its advantages. being able to go to the mall without being noticed may be one of them. Perhaps we have lost sight of right now; perhaps this is way everyone want to be French. There is something so alluring in their ability to just enjoy every minuite of life, bon vi vant? blue sky , green grass , vinilla ice- cream on hot summers days with your feet diped into a cast iron wash tub. languishing under neith that old gum tree. Whishing today could last forever.