Tuesday, August 4, 2009

At a loss

So what news, sorry i've not writen for a while my brain has by and large been firmly fixed on the serch for a new job. Since my company retrenched 5 workers last month. Which I could cope fine with expet for the fact that there apears to be national hold on all jobs for Architects with less than 5 years experiance and eventhose are currently hard to come by. any way since nothing seems to be forth comming I thought I may as wellburn some time bye writing you lovely people an email.

So what does one do with the 8 hous of the day normally taken up with the persuit of a carreer ? Well, For stareter for my sins ive been measuring up a building, for this random engineer, a friend of mine I was helping get a building through council, put me in touch with, but its proving quite lucrative anyway. Who would have thought. Any way 2# get building passed thruogh council, which may possible be the worst part of being an architect right after window and door scheduals. # 3 taking photos at kids parties, for a measily R500- I will come to your party and spend an afternoon in the company of sevral adorable toddlers. and get your 10 worked up images in black and white or colour to your choice. I have also work 2 days for an old lecturer , as a reaserch assistant. Baked 2 cakes , a quiche and several other treats and as of 2 hours later a wheat free pizza base. Since i'm so nice. I have fed the homeless..... twice, and clothed them once. No baby sitting so far but i'm always open to that. I have been attampting to run a renovation for Waynes bosses aditional flat. The man may possible be the worst comunicater know to man, is always buisy does not answer his phone or reply to emails. Hruumph . And read 5.5 novels 1.5 diatery books on blood typing and metabolic typing. I have sent about 87 Emails , made at lease 30 phone calls. and been for one interview for an interior job I have no idea why they bothered they deffinatly wern't looking for an architect !!! All in persuit of an extra months sallery to tide me over sigh ! And so far its been 6 1/2 Weeks. And NOTHING !!!

But seriously, there should be some sort of self help program for the unemployed. You know some sort of cunning thing to keep one from going insane. The world of the unemployed is rather, limiting appart from major with drawel symtoms from other human beings, people need poeple man. I dont know how my brother has done this for going on 12 years. i'd have been a basket case by now with genral hopelessness. there are not places one can go to feel less of a looser, and more normal. So word to the wise, if you find a job and your in the building industry, keep it. Hell if you find a job you hate keep it. Casue there is no on out there hireing right now.